Everest Naturals
Safflower Oil


Everest Naturals Cold pressed Safflower Oil


Everest Naturals cold pressed safflower oil is made from finest safflower seeds sourced from Karnataka. The product retains the real aroma, flavour and nutrition and is free from chemicals and artificial flavours.

Quantity Available : 1000ml

SKU: 010 Category:


Cold pressed safflower oil benefits health in many ways including relieving menstrual pains, supporting weight loss, controlling diabetes and reducing risk of blockages. The Linoleic Acid present in safflower oil, helps maintain a healthy heart.

Weight 1 kg

500ml, 1000ml

The Process

Everest Naturals cold pressed safflower oil is extracted from the sun-dried safflower seeds using the traditional wood press method at low rotations to retain its original neutral flavour and aroma.

How to use

Cold pressed safflower oil has mild flavour and is an excellent choice for deep frying or baking. It can be used to massage for improved texture of skin.
Why choose Everest Naturals

Health Benefits of Everest
Naturals Safflower Oil

Lowers Cholesterol
Controls Sugar
Regulates Menstrual cycle
Heals wounds

Know more about Cold Pressed Safflower Oil

Cold pressed safflower oil is obtained from the seeds of safflower plant. This oil has a neutral flavour and is suitable for cooking purpose. Research indicates that using safflower oil helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and strengthens immune system. It also helps loosen phlegm and eases breathing. It is suitable during winters, as it helps generate heat in the body. This oil is effective in reducing sudden hormonal fluctuations and eases premenstrual symptoms.

Cold pressed safflower oil is obtained from the seeds of safflower plant. This oil has a neutral flavour and is suitable for cooking purpose. Research indicates that using safflower oil helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and strengthens immune system. It also helps loosen phlegm and eases breathing. It is suitable during winters, as it helps generate heat in the body. This oil is effective in reducing sudden hormonal fluctuations and eases premenstrual symptoms.
Yes. Safflower oil has high smoke point and is healthy for cooking. Also, it has a neutral taste and can be used for salad dressing and other dishes. Since it is heat stable, it can be a healthier option for frying chips and veggies.
Safflower oil has been part of cosmetic formulations for all ages. Safflower is rich in linoleic acid, which helps skin regeneration. The topical application of safflower oil can help in reducing acne and healing dry skin.